domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009

Film Title: The Shawshank Redemption
Director: Frank Darabont
(born January 28, 1959) is a three-time Academy Award-nominated American film director, screenwriter and producer. He has directed two Academy Award-nominated films, The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile.
The principal performance is Andy Dusfresne, who was sentenced by two life imprisonment for killing his wife and her lover. Although he says be innocent, He is carried to Shawshank prision.
In this prision, Andy becomes a man who puts his values overall. He is a worship man so he likes read and he collects posters and photos. He is an interesting man, for this reason other people hurt him, specially for Red , his partner prision. He has been in prision for twenty years also for killing.
The prision's guardians batter to other person .
The Shawshank prisoners are binded to work hard as caulking a factory. Doing this work, Andy befriends of a guardian, Byron. At first the guardian fight against Andy, but he told him that he could help him with his business.
Byron protects Andy but he wants to run away.
Pesonal opinion:
Sometimes we do not think about the prision life. The life is a challenge for this people. There are innocent and guilty men and always survive is hard.
The Guardians take advantage of their authority for the purpose of hurt the prisioners. I suppose that if you are innocent and you are in prision, it is very hard because you do not see your family and you can not to have a normal life. You must habituate to swap the stile life, for instance the food, the clothes and your personality.

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